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your life

A well designed life

is a life that makes sense.


Let's design together

a life you love!

Rediseña tu vida

Who am I?

I'm Mariedith, a perfectionist in rehab who learned that rules are to be broken and that it's better to look crazy than give up on your dreams.

I'm here to accompany you in your redesigning process. My job is to guide you, challenge you, present you with ideas and tools you need to design YOUR LIFE.

-Life prepares you to be successful, if you are willing to give your everything, commit yourself from the heart, allow yourself to be vulnerable in order to be brave and come out triumphant and a better version of yourself.-

¿Quieres empezar a rediseñar tu vida hoy?

  • ¿Quieres saber cómo dejar de posponer tu éxito?

  • ¿Cómo tener tiempo para trabajar en tus sueños?

  • ¿Quieres tener un plan de acción con pasos específicos para conseguir lo que te propongas?

  • ¿Tener las herramientas para lograrlo?

Starting from your dreams, establish clear goals, specific action plans through accessible and adequate tools so that you stay committed and motivated and achieve the results you are looking for.


Do you want to start redesigning your life?

Start by identifying your areas of life.


In this Free mini workshop, you'll learn to identify and visualize eight specific areas to work independently.

Do you want to change your perspective, have more clarity and direction to identify the causes of the imbalance and thus define what to do and where to work in your redesign?


your transformation begins today

An email with the link to download your freebie is on its way to your inbox.


For any questions or clarification, contact me at:


Every redesign needs tools, this is my blog , where you can find several topics that can help you start with the changes.

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.


Before I started working with Mariedith, I was dealing with separation issues. Within the changes that I have achieved today I have greater self-esteem, more clarity of what I want and where I'm going, which has led me to greater well-being in every way.

They're the best courses I've taken on this subject, they changed my life. None of the psychologists I've worked with gave me such significant progress as with Mariedith, she opened doors and options for me, I'm very grateful.

Don't hesitate to sign up, the change you'll see in your life will be great, the tools she gives you are invaluable, you cannot miss them.

- Inma Miranda, Owner of


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Mexico © 2020 by Mariedith.
Created by Appear Agencia Creativa

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