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About me

I'm a businesswoman, wife and mother, dedicated to finding and sharing with you solutions to the challenges that women face every day.


I accompany women on the path to design a life that makes sense to them, a life that they love , with achievements and satisfactions, where they can collect wonderful experiences and adventures. Where their "mistakes" become learning, where difficulties strengthen them and they can get to know themselves better.

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How did I get here?


My interest in helping others with complex situations led me to a constant search for tools to deal with the challenges and conflicts I faced, but also to be able to understand what was happening with the people around in order to help them find what makes them feel better.


I learned that human beings have infinite potential, that we can all be resilient.


My curiosity and creativity led me to identify different ways of happiness, understanding and that each of us can achieve success and satisfaction in different ways.


My experiences and studies allowed me to design different compasses to guide people who need to find their way.

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I'm passionate about different things, I love art, design, clothing, furniture, anything that's hand made; crafts, in particular textiles, they drive me crazy.

I love books that make you think, that introduce you to new perspectives, that challenge your beliefs, and help you expand your learning zone.

I love learning new things, I could study my whole life.

I've had jobs as varied as an English teacher, even a producer in a media company and today an Ericksonian Coach and Teacher in the Method of Mental Application. At first, I was worried about being crazy and not having something defined and deciding on a specific career.

I've realized that the combination of my variety of interests, knowledge and experiences of each of my jobs is what makes my aptitudes and abilities my strength and gives me a unique combination which is what sets me apart from others.

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When I began this business, I decided to leave the security of a structured entrepreneurial job and started taking the actions that would lead me to redesign my career.


When you've gone through such variety of jobs, it only remains to accept that the rules were made to be broken.


What was clear to me from all these experiences was that; to be successful, you have to give everything, commit yourself from the heart, allow yourself to be vulnerable in order to be brave and come out triumphant and a better version of yourself.


In today's world, we need to avoid taking ourselves so seriously and allow ourselves to connect with the essence of who we really are in order to use our creativity and skills to design the life we ​​want and deserve, feeling happy and satisfied with it.


No matter what you want, no matter the challenges, I'm convinced that we all have the ability to change our lives and by doing so, we'll make this a better world.

And for that, to accompany you, serve you, guide you, I'm here. Seeing the results of my students/clients, the changes they've made in their lives, their faces of satisfaction when they achieve what they had set out to do is what fascinates me, what makes me jump out of bed.

All my content, all my programs are focused on bringing you closer to the tools that I've found that have helped me or someone else to be better, to make a positive difference in your life, to build whatever you want, to have a life that you love and enjoy deeply.


Whether you want to start a project, make changes in your personal life, improve your relationships with your partner, friends or children, I'm here to help you reach your highest potential and connect with the wisdom that resides in the depths of your being.

For me it is a privilege to be able to touch the lives of my clients and students and the fact that I can make this my profession, my work is something that I greatly appreciate in life.


I confess that I don't have all the answers, because life is constant growth and learning, and like all human beings, I make mistakes and fortunately I'm not perfect, my commitment will always be to bring you the best of what I've learned and lived to serve you in the best possible way.

Thank you for your presence, I hope this is just the beginning of a fruitful relationship.

I'll love to know more about you, you can subscribe to my page to stay in touch.

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Follow me in networks you find me in:

Facebook, Instagram or YouTube like @mariedithlosan

Linked in: Mariedith López Sánchez



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