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Hi there !

Thank you and welcome!

I love that you decided to start working on your redesign. You just took a big first step in creating the life of your dreams.

In this mini workshop, you will become aware of your ability to sell. No matter what you sell, the destination of the next family vacation, coffee with your friends, the idea that your child tidies up his room, any product or service in exchange for financial remuneration, we're all selling all the time, so, you can also sell.

The next thing you have to do is:

1. Download the PDF with the Mini Workshop workbook We can all sell

Captura de pantalla 2021-01-26 a las 12.

2. Check out the video.

3. Start with the transformation.

People who have put into practice what they've learned in this mini-workshop, have changed their beliefs about this topic and have broken the barrier that prevented them from accessing experiences and development opportunities. They feel more secure and with the confidence of having one more tool that brings them closer to reaching their goals.

I hope you enjoy it!

Keep in touch.

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