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Hi there !

Thank you and welcome!

I love that you decided to start working on your redesign. You have just taken a first big step towards making your dreams come true.

This workshop takes you step by step in the fastest and easiest way to identify dreams that have the potential of becoming achievable goals.

When you finish you'll have your personal and specific action plan so that you can start working towards your goals.

The next thing you have to do is:

1. Download the PDF

with the workshop workbook 6 steps to turning your dreams into reality.

Captura de pantalla 2021-01-27 a las 6.1

2. Enter the private Facebook group.


Enter the private Facebook group

3. Watch the training videos

Start with the introduction.

Have your Workbook handy so you can follow the exercises.


1. Introduction

What are we going to do in the workshop? Agenda and some tips to help you get the most out of it. Remember to download the PDF with the exercises before starting.


2. Step 1. Rescue your dreams

What's a dream? Do you have dreams? Is it important to dream?

Step 1. Rescue your dreams

3. Step 2. Believe in them

We're going to talk about beliefs -ideas, paradigms-. You're going to identify if your beliefs limit you from achieving your dreams or empower you to make them come true.

Step 2. Believe in them

Four. Step 3. Identify its value

What's important for you? How do you establish your priorities? You're going to identify your three main values and your purpose.

Step 3. Identify its value

5. Step 4. Identify your tools

What are your achievements? Why is it important to recognize them? We're going to identify your achievements, your abilities and strengths to make an inventory of your "toolbox".

Step 4. Identify your tools

6. Step 5. Make it into Goals

What does your future look like? Where do you want to go? I'm going to give you the characteristics that your goals must have so that they're easier to achieve.

You're going to turn your dreams into goals.

Step 5. Make it Goals

7. Step 6. Make your plan

How to make an action plan? You're going to make your action plan with specific steps and we're going to talk about the excuses.

Step 6. Make your plan

8. What's Next?

What did you learn in the workshop? What else do you need in order to be successful?

What's Next?


Remember that the Facebook group is the space where you can post your doubts, your progress, share what you're discovering and learning.

I'm going to love reading you and getting to know you better!

The people who have put this workshop into practice have redesigned their lives based on what's important to them.

Rescue your dreams and start working on them as goals to make them come true.

I hope you enjoy and get the most out of your work in the workshop!

With gratitude and appreciation,

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